Renewals for 2023 members

Personalised renewal letters for 2024 were available at the AGM in December,  and those not collected were posted the following day.

Please ensure that you renew both your EDMAC and BMFA memberships before flying on the Downs in 2024.

The quickest and easiest way to renew is to use your online Banking service to make your payment direct to our account rather than writing and posting a cheque.  This saves postal delays, plus waiting time for the cheque to clear - and please note that our bank now charges the club 40p for every cheque that we deposit.  Around 80% of members renewed by bank transfer last year.  Account details are on your renewal letter and you do not need to return the form. 

During 2020 most banks introduced 'Confirmation of Payee' when making payments from your bank account to another account.  This is a new service that helps protect against scams and mistaken payments by checking the name of a payee against the name held by the payee's bank. So, if asked, please state the club's account name, Epsom Downs Model Aircraft Club and the type of account is a Business account.  Alternatively you can return the signed renewal form with a cheque to the address on the form.  

No photograph is required if you are renewing your 2023 membership as we already have one on file.  However, the photo does need to be recognisable,  so if you're still using an old photo that now looks more like your son (or grandson!) then please send an updated photo with your renewal!

If you have lost your renewal letter - or didn't receive one - then please fill in a new membership form, but write RENEWAL and your BMFA membership number at the top.  As an existing member you can still claim your £3 renewal discount even if using a new membership form.  

With the BMFA's JustGo membership system (previously called Go Membership) all members now have the option of amending their own details stored by the BMFA, and can also renew their own BMFA membership online if they choose. We do not hold a local copy of members' contact details, but take these details from your BMFA record. If your details have changed, please either update your BMFA membership record, or if you prefer you can ask us to do this for you.


New members

Are you are interested in learning to fly radio controlled model aircraft? This link on the British Model Flyers Association (BMFA) website will give you some basic information to help you get started. The advice is primarily aimed at the prospective fixed wing pilot; helicopters have their own special construction and operating considerations and are dealt with separately on the BMFA website.

The club subscription for 2024 remains at £10 for adults and free for under-18s. EDMAC 2024 membership is valid from the date of joining until 31st December 2024. You are welcome to join at any time, but if joining late in the year please bear in mind that you will need to renew your membership to continue flying after 31st December.

As the club is affiliated to the BMFA, all members must also be BMFA members.  This is a BMFA requirement. If you do not already have BMFA membership EDMAC can arrange your BMFA membership for you, or you can arrange it yourself directly through the BMFA.  If arranging your own BMFA membership we do need to know your BMFA membership number before you can be given membership of EDMAC. Details are on the membership form.

BMFA membership is valid from the date of joining until 31st December of the same year.  BMFA subscriptions are normally reduced for anyone joining after 1st July, and again from 1st September.  The club membership form will be updated to reflect these reductions.  There are also reductions for BMFA "family" membership where one member pays the full price and a partner and/or any number of under-18s registered at the same address pay a reduced rate. 

Further information on BMFA membership can be found on the BMFA website.

The EDMAC Membership Form for 2024 can be downloaded either as a Microsoft Word document or as a PDF document. Click the icon below for the format you require. 

Word PDF

After completing the form please send it with a passport-size photograph (we need this for your membership card) to the address shown on the form. Please write your name on the back of the photograph.  Alternatively you can email the completed form and photograph to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The club bank account details are listed on the application form for payment by bank transfer, or you can send a cheque for your payment.


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